How do I value this?


On Sunday we asked people in our masked required service to give us feedback about our mask policy. At the back of the church we had two jars of beans - black and green. We said that if you want us to adopt a “mask optional at your seat policy” ASAP please put a black bean in the bowl. We said that if you want us to keep wearing masks for a few more weeks put a green bean in the bowl. 63 people participated which meant a number of people did not choose to give input. 54 people put in a black bean (84%). 9 put in a green bean (16%).

On Thursday our Leadership Team wrestled with what this information meant. Do we see it as a vote and the majority wins and the minority loses? In this view, we let the most votes determine the behavior of the group. Other people asked if we should see it entirely differently. Should we allow the minority interest to guide the decision? Now, if this was a vote about the color of carpet, then the stakes would be so much lower and our default has been majority rules, but this decision is fraught with so much more difficulty. If we get this wrong the consequences are very serious.

If we remove the mask required policy, then some people have said they will not be able to return to in person worship. It also means we would be going against the advice of our doctors advisory team who helped formulate our current policy and that would frustrate them. We have faithfully followed their advice this last year and they have pleaded with us to be as safe as possible especially because the end seems so near. On the other side is the rising discouragement people are feeling and frustration with COVID. Some people have decided to find other places to be where they are not asked to wear masks.

We wrestled with the 9 beans. When does the minority voice get heard? When is it unreasonable? Would the 54 be willing to sacrifice for the 9? If the 9 have not had a chance to get the vaccine would the 54 be willing to serve them for the next few weeks until they can? What is the difference between getting what I want and what the community needs?

We had a respectful but tension filled conversation. At the end we came down on the side of the 9. Since we have a mask optional service at 10:45 we are going to ask the 8:30 service participants to continue to follow the mask required protocol for a “few more weeks.” As vaccinations go up and infections and hospitalizations go down we feel confident that in the very near future, we will be able to move to a mask optional  at seat option in both services fairly soon and then eventually mask free. We will take the pole again on Sunday April 11.  It will be framed in two different questions. 1. The original question. 2. “If there are people who are attending service that want us to keep wearing masks, I will wear a mask to support them.” It will be a sacrifice, but a willing sacrifice to serve others, like  we heard about last week from  the book of Philippians.

Keep praying as we struggle to serve others. This is a difficult time and lots to juggle and we need lots of wisdom and grace.