Margin of Error

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All week I have been waiting for the results of the cheer competition in Florida. Since seeing the TVCC squad on Easter I have so many questions. I need someone to watch the performance with me and take me through it slowly so that I can understand how the judges evaluate the routine. I do know that eliminating errors is on of the main things the groups have to do in order to win.

The final score between TVCC and Navaro was only separated by 00.1584. What I don know is if this is a large or small number. I don’t know how this stacks up over time. What have the scores been in the past. How does this compare? TVCC won with a 98.2292. How does this stack up against other schools in the past. Has there been grad drift like in so many other fields? How does this compare to scores a decade ago?

I understand that TVCC won. I’m super proud of them, but it is obvious that I have a lot to learn.

Understanding the score can be very important. Since we just walked through teh Easter journey it might be good to review that score. 100% of people are sinners - “for all have sinned” (Rom 3:23). This is not a comparative score. This score has not changed over time. It does not matter how long people practice, they still find a way to mess up and sin. The only perfect score recorded was Jesus. He was 0% a sinner. He was the winner. The consequences of sin is always death - “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). All people will get the same result. Since Jesus is the one person who does not have a death sentence, then his volunteering to die in my place allows me to trade lives with him. He gives me the winning score, he takes the loosing score. The payment is made and I am set free.

The TVCC score can only be understood in relation to other team’s scores. Our life score can only be understood in comparison to Jesus’ perfect score. We will find real freedom when we recognize that Jesus is the winner and we are in need of his help. This will take humility and real honesty. That is what it will take to know how to really win in life.