

One of the great privileges of my life is the opportuinty to walk with families through the dark valley of death. I have stood at the pulpit hundreds of times and tired to help families tell the sotiry of their loved ones, of faith, of life well lived. One of the most interesting supports in this process is a person’s Bible. I love to get to thumb through a Bible and see the highlights, to see the odd bits of quotes, poems and memorabilia that have been placed into the pages.

Sometimes I even find my own name in the Bible. I’ll find it next to a passage of scripture marking a sermon I have preached. About a month ago I was reading in a friends Bible and found this prayer list. I was struck by several things in it. First was the word “constant” and the date in 2017. My friend had to move away from Athens, but she still did not stop praying for me. The second thing I noticed was my name written above the word “pastor.” She was not just generally praying but specifically praying for me. Next to my name is my wife’s name. There is no possible way I could do what do without her. This past year has been exhausting. The new schedule of video production has increased the workload of our technical team. There are lots of extra hours and the only way that has works in our home is that Cindy has carried and unfair share of the work. I appreciate my friend for surrounding my family in the circle of prayer.

I have read this list over again an again and keep seeing both its simplicity and its beauty. I love that she continued to prayer for the old churches she was part of, because she loved them like family. I love that she has a relationship with her “forever friends.” It amazes me that she was trying to grow to the very end of her days, God make me “more loving and more patient.”

What are you constantly praying about? Who are you constantly praying for? I read this at a really stressful and low time and it made a difference. To all those that pray for us I thank you. We need them, they are like wind that lifts our wings.