Prayer Ministry

We believe that the church is called to be a house of prayer. (Matthew 21:13)

FBC Athens is committed to seeing Jesus’ vision for the church be here and now. We have many prayer warriors in our church who love to intercede for people. We also recognize that many requests are of a more confidential nature. If you would like prayer, please consider these questions.

  1. How many people do i want to pray for my request?

  2. How private is the content of my request?

If your request is private, consider reaching out to our Pastoral Ministry staff.

Submit a request for the staff to pray for (semi-private)

Email and ask for your request to be added to the staff prayer list.

Submit a request to be added to email threads.

We have dedicated prayer warriors who receive requests through email and pray regularly for these requests.

Submit a request to the whole church

Email request to and ask to be added to the church-wide prayer list.

CORE 104 Prayer Room

CORE 104 is our volunteer prayer group that meets every Sunday morning in room CORE 104, during both services. Those who volunteer, spend the entire service in guided prayer for both the service and the people in the service. During the service, people are invited to write prayer requests on cards and those cards are brought to CORE 104 and are individually prayed over that morning. This ministry is a vital aspect of what our church does every Sunday morning. 

If you are interested in serving in this ministry please fill out the form below, and you will be contacted promptly, or reach out to our worship pastor, Wade Huggins