
On Friday everyone was cleared for the COVID booster. On Monday morning I made an appointment. By Monday afternoon I was sporting a bandage with a minuscule dot of blood in the middle. I was so happy. I told the nurse, “I love science.”

The human body is a an amazing creation. God did good. Now, I have questions that I hope to ask God when we get a chance sometime in the future. “Why do lower backs fail at such a high rate?” “Why can’t the things I love to eat do me good instead of harm?” Why couldn’t chocolate cake, donuts, and Dr. Pepper be part of the food pyramid?” I figure God has answers. One thing I intend to say is, “Way to go on that whole immune system.”

It’s a miracle that my body can learn to fight off illness. It’s inspiring that it gets stronger over time and can remember previous attacks. I saw someone the other day that I had not seen in years. I only vaguely recognized them. My immune system has a much better memory.

I’m so glad I live in the era of vaccines and vaccination. Next to clean water, nothing has been as significant in reducing the suffering of our world. I have all the vaccines that kids get, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, small pox, measles, mumps, rubella. Later, as I began to travel on mission trips I got a tetanus booster. I got typhoid pills. I got a yellow fever shot (expensive and difficult to get). I have had a pneumonia shot and I get the flu shot every year. I love teaching my body new tricks.

When I look back on 2021 and give thanks to God, I’m thanking him for brilliant scientists. I’m thanking him for a crazy amazing immune system. I’m thanking him for our local medical community that continues to give me the great advice. I’m not sure where this all went off the rails. I pray that we can reestablish trust. I hope everyone will get vaccinated because I believe that it saves lives, that it makes a difference not only to you but to our community. There is an article written in 1915 (long before the issue of vaccination was controversial) about Edward Jenner the inventor of the vaccine. It’s worth a read to get 100 years of perspective (click here). This man who did so much in the name of God to relive suffering said, "I do not marvel that men are not grateful to me, but I am surprised that they do not feel grateful to God for making me a medium of good." I hope you will all be brave and safe and get the jab and thank the Lord.