Follow Me In

The Texas Baptist meeting was held in Galveston this year. Cindy and I went. The city sits on the edge of the gulf coast. The main road separates the hotels from the beach. The last time we were there was in 2005 and that was for only a few hours. We went to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

We arrived on Sunday night as the sun was setting and had just a few minutes to stand on the beach and watch the orange glow fade to black. The next morning, I got up early. I don’t love the beach. I don’t love the sand. I don’t love laying on the beach. I do love the waves. I love walking on the beach. I love the shells, birds and smell. I love the wind.

I stopped and stared at the horizon. The sky was alive and glowing and then a tiny jewel of light thrust up into the sky. The ripples at the horizon danced as the sun came to life once again. Then I started to walk and take pictures of birds and waves and the odd shapes of shells in the sand. The waves were small and the rhythm was like a gentle lullaby. My feet barely made a sound.

In the distance, a dad walked out into the water. I lifted my camera thinking it might make a good picture, a fisherman standing in silhouette with rod in hand. Then I saw what I had not seen before, a small boy in big rubber boots splashing happily into the surf, right behind his dad. He stood and smiled as the hook was baited and then flung into the sea. I walked and watched. He looked so contented watching his dad. He did not run off. He was not preoccupied. He was focused on his dad. He stood in his big boots rocking back and forth having a great start to the day.

Jesus said, “the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does” (John 5:19). What is God doing and wanting to do in our world? Are you watching him? Are you distracted and doing what you want to do or are your eyes focused upon God? Too often our eyes are on our own preferences, our own ideas, but Jesus showed us the way to live with our eyes focused on God and God’s glory. May your eyes be filled with wonder and joy this week as you see God at work around you.