Fair Weather

“Are you going to the game?” The question went out to my friends who have season tickets to the Baylor Games. I had been offered tickets on Friday. The game was Saturday. I was hoping to meet up with my friends at the game.

The responses were quick and enthusiastic. “We are going,” said one. “We are going. Hoping the game is tied up before the rain starts.” The second one caught my attention. I had not paid any attention to the weather. I read the dire predictions. It did not matter to me. I have rain gear. I have sat through lots of terrible weather. I was excited to meet my friends.

We traveled down to the game. We were dressed for battle. Long underwear, hats, gloves, jackets and rain gear. We suited up at the car and hiked over to the stadium. We arrived at our seats just a few minutes before the game kick-off. The stands were sparsely filled. I have to be honest. I was disappointed and a little judgmental. I could not believe that a little rain would keep this many people from attending.

I scanned the stairs. My friends never showed up. Middle of the game I texted them. “In our seats. Cushions dry. No rain.” The game was tense and not decided until the very last seconds. We yelled and cheered and worried. The rain did not come. People missed the game because of a hypothetical threat. It started to rain after the game was over but we were headed to the car and it was not a big deal.

People miss a lot in our world because they want to be comfortable. They choose ease over sacrifice. They choose the known over risk. They choose isolation over community.

Jesus called us to the difficult ways. He called us to face rejection, persecution and resistance. He called us to live in the world, but not be of the world. We can’t retreat and hide indoors. We have to go and live in the world, but we need to put on the armor of God. I was sad my friends were not at the game. They missed an exciting memory. It made me wonder how much I have missed out on in life by playing it too safe, when courage is required.