45 years ago my brother took me to see a movie at the Forum 303 mall. I was 15 and still not able to drive. It ws an animated film about wizards by an animator that we really loved. It was March of 1977. Before the film began, a grainy blue screen announced that a preview that was approved for all audiences was about to begin. A narrator described a struggle in the universe, the introduction of space creatures and then we saw Luke and Leia for the first time. They swung on a thin line across a chasm. The words “Star Wars” finally grew into view. My brother and I turned and looked at each other. We committed to being at opening night for the movie 2 months later. We were good to our word. The movie we went to see faded into obscurity, but Star Wars continues to grow. My brother and I did not see many more movies together until years later. We met in mesquite with our kids to see the second set of Star Wars movies.
Last Sunday, we went to the Dallas Symphony as the performed along with the third film, The Return of the Jedi. I have wanted to attend one of these event for years. It did not disappoint. The orchestra was fantastic. The massive sound, the pulsing tympani, the sawing of the bows all produced energy and excitement. The sold out crowd laughed and cheered during the movie. The standing ovation at the end lasted for a long time. A single green light saber cut through the darkness. It reminded me of the first time I saw the movie in 1983. Cindy and I had been married for 11 days. We saw it on opening night in a packed theater.
I was filled with so many moments of joy remembering a life time of connections to this movie. I collected the toys and still have them in a storage box. My boys and I love to get them out periodically and look at them, then we seal the box up until the next time. I remember so vividly March 11, 1999. We purposefully kept the boys home from school. The announcement had been made that the trailer for Star Wars Episode 1 would play on the morning news program. We gathered around the TV and waited as each segment came and went. Finally, the screen showed shadowy figures emerging from the mist. The familiar sound track played and a rapid fire series of images flashed across the screen. We hooped and hollard in the car all the way to school. They were both tardy, but it was worth it.
I hope you have joy in your life. I hope that you have shared moments that you celebrate and revisit. When I’m discouraged, I draw strength looking back at these moments. I see the faces, the smiles, the joy. What makes you smile? Go spend some time smiling.