At My Feet

I stepped out of the trailer and walked toward the beach. We had gone to Galveston to hang out with the Bilingual Ministry and I was excited to get to see sunrise over the ocean. I had checked the sunrise time and set my clock to be up and ready and outside before the event.

When we left Athens, it had been crisp and cool, so I put on a light jacket. I immediately turned around and put it back inside, the wind was blowing but it was not cool. I walked toward the dunes listening to waves, smelling the sea air and feeling the breeze wrap around me.

From just to my right a bright-eyed brown bunny hopped toward me. I froze, not wanting to scare him. The rabbit did not seem worried about me at all, instead it nibbled and munched its way toward my feet. Eventually, it was about a foot away from my toes. I frantically texted Cindy, “Look quick bunny at my feet.” I watched the door of the trailer, but she did not come out. Then I called her phone. She answered. I hung up. I did not want to make a sound and disturb my furry friend.

I was expecting her to look at her messages. She did not come to the door. I called again. She answered. I hung up. I did it three more times. Then I texted, “Look” four times. Still nothing. I sent one last text, “Come out and look.” Finally, her head emerged. I pleaded with eyes for her to stay quiet and to look down at my feet. By then hops had taken the beast at least 2 feet away and the encounter did not look like it had just a few seconds before.

Have you ever been really excited to share something, but no one was listening? How much would you go out of your way to get someone to see something joyful? When is the last time you shared with someone your delight in the world, in your faith? We are surrounded by the grace and mercy of our Lord, but we mostly keep it to ourselves. Our world needs us to bug them until they come and see the goodness of the Lord.