

I came around the corner. The bright yellow eyes shone out of the inky blackness. The cat stared at me unblinking. The grey mouse hung limply in her mouth. I stopped my truck and stuck my camera out the window. The cat did not move. The mouse did not move. We gazed at each other. A car moved behind me. I pulled away as the cat won the staring contest.

I am intrigued the way animals bring their trophies for us to see. We once had a terrible dog. She was erratic, hyper and unable to be inside the house without destroying it. She came with us from Spearman. It was not long that we realized that she was never going to be great family dog. We were very discouraged. We finally made the terrible decision that we need to find a new home for her. The next morning she was on the back porch with a dead snake to show us. It was a copperhead. The dog stayed with our family for another ten years until she died.

Cindy was standing at the back door and a huge locust was buzzing around the door frame and about to be squished when she shut the door. So she swatted the bug. It shot toward the ground where our dog Bear snatched it out of the air. He swallowed it as if it were a Scooby snack. One wing hung limply from his lips. He seemed please with himself.

What are you proud of? What are you living for? What do hope other people see as evidence that your life is being lived on purpose, that your life matters? Get hunting. Get living.