

I grew up in a big family that all lived near each other. We had regular gatherings at our grand parent’s houses in the Poly section of Fort Worth. They both had relatively small homes, but big yards. We spent lots of time outside. We were COVID safe before COVID. The neighborhood had alleys behind the homes. We would walk, kicking cans, laughing and cutting up. I was the youngest of all of the grandkids. That is me on the far right. Im number 16 of 16. The older cousins were already well on the way to marriage and so I was even further down the list. I looked up to all of them.

At the top of the list were my two grandads. It was a different time and they were really on the top of the pile. They lead by tone of voice and raised eyebrow. Their word was law. They both had hearts of gold so what flowed from their character, from their decisions, was love and kindness. The cast of wake of goodness around them.

The strongest earliest memory I have is of my “Pop” (left). When my Dad was in Vietnam we lived in the “old grey house” near my grandparents. My mom had three little boys, diapers, and loneliness, it was a rough time. The grandparents helped to step in to the gap. My Pop picked me up from the preschool I attended. I remember running on the red brick street, that he helped lay, and being caught up in his arms. When I think of the Prodigal Son I think of that picture. When I think about what it means to “come home” I think of that moment. When I think about crossing from this world to the next, I think of that moment. Pure love looks like my old Pop having a big enough heart to make room for me, the youngest and smallest.

I bet he did not remember that day. It was just a day to him. He just came to pick me up. But that day has lifted me over and over again. It has washed me with love. It has formed my self-esteem. It has sheltered me in the storm. You just never know when showing up and caring might be the pivotal moment in someones life. You might never understand how an investment in a child might bear dividends for years to come. If you get a chance, show someone love today—it might make all the difference.