
I spent 2 days with a group of 14 pastors from around Texas. We had met regularly during COVID on Zoom, but this was our first gathering in person in over 2 years. We caught up with each other, sharing details of the many different challenges of the Pandemic. We updated one another on prayer requests, one of them was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Eventually, we settled into debate and analysis of what we experienced and what we learned since March of 2020.

Most of the churches expereinced a loss of about 40% of their people. That broke into four groups. The group of people that before March of 202 were on the fringe of the church, they were not invested in groups or service, but mostly just attended worship. A second group of people left because fo the churches COVID response. Churches who were cautious lost those who wanted fewer restrictions. Church with few restrictions lost the cautious. A third group stopped coming because of the political polarization of society that spilled over into the church. Finally, all church seemed to have people who say they will return, but have not yet, their habits changed and they have not and may never return to church. Many of the churches have experienced some growth in new people. Mostly people who have moved during the pandemic and were looking for a new church. Some came because they left a place for one of the reason listed above. Most were running 75-85% of the numbers they were running in February 2020.

We took a break and went to a place to learn to throw axes. It was a good diversion and we laughed a lot. I was practicing on one of the targets and the operator watched me for a few minutes. They then told me that I should back up at 3.5 inches. It was such a specific number. I did my best to reset my feet and then throw. While my next throw did not get into the very middle, it did bury itself into the wood with the handle nearly parallel to the target (this is the goal). Whenever I put my feet in the right spot, the axe would land with satisfaction.

We all wish that we could move just a few inches, changes just a tiny thing and everything could go back tot eh way it was. That is not going to happen. We are now living in our new normal. They people we have now are the ones that will rebuild our church in this community. It might be scary, but all the people who are in our church now are here because they love our church. We can build on that love. What do you love about our church? Would you share it with others? Do love our emphasis on missions? Our impact in the community? Our growing bilingual congregation? Our worship? The preaching? The people?

The churches who are succeeding are succeeding because church members are enthusiastic about Jesus and his church.