

When I was a kid in the 5th grade we had a reading program. It was a big box filled with 2-3 page articles about different subjects. We were assigned the task of going to the box and pulling out an article, reading it for comprehension, and answering questions about it. One of the cards I read was about Halley’s Comet. I was immediately hooked. Halley’s Comet is named for an astronomer who put together the information that this particular comet had been making regular appearances through time. This is the most regular comet that can be seen with the naked eye and is the only comet that a person can see twice in their life time.

It made its first appearance for me when I was 14. It will return in 2062. If I make it till then I will be 100 years old. This first time it appeared to me was 1986. It was a total bust. It just was not easy to see. I was disappointed and I’m not sure I will make it for a second chance. I really wanted to see it. Wikipedia says of the 1986 appearance, “The comet and Earth were on opposite sides of the Sun in February 1986, creating the worst viewing circumstances for Earth observers for the last 2,000 years.” It will be traveling away from the sun for another 2.5 years and then will start on the long return journey.

One of the most famous appearances of Halley’s Comet happened in 1066. It was noted in the petroglyphs of Chaco Indians. It was noted in the Bayeux Tapestry in France. This tapestry tells the story of the Norman conquest of England which set into motion modern England out of which America was birthed. The comet was seen as a sign of loss to those that fell in battle and a harbinger for William the Conqueror and the age to come.

Twenty years ago, we were visiting the cemetery at the Normandy landing beaches and went through Bayeux and made a special point to go see the tapestry. We got there about an hour before the museum closed, but they would not let us go in. I literally got on my knees and begged for a chance to see a special panel saved 1000 years ago showing the comet. It was bright and huge in the sky. Eventually, I wore the people down and they let me see it. It did not make up for not seeing it so long ago IRL (In Real Life).

So, a couple of weeks ago the world was told to go see Comet NEOWISE. I did not have to be told twice. Night after night Cindy and I drove around town trying to find a dark place with a clear view of the northern horizon that was not shrouded by clouds. Finally, on our fourth attempt we found a place south of town and were able to see it, but we had to use binoculars. Still another disappointment. The 1066 comet was the second brightest thing in the sky ahead of Venus and behind the moon. It was huge and everyone could see it unaided. After sitting in the dark for a long time, I was able to see the comet with just my eyes, like a wispy smudge. Then, we drove for another half an hour to find even darker sky, but could never get high enough to see it again. We went out two more nights, but it was already fading into oblivion.

What do you really want to see? What are you willing to do to see it? Do you want to see the world as better? Do you want to see others in a better light? Do you want to see some place beautiful? What are you willing to sacrifice so that you can see?