Broken Dreams

broken disney pictgure.jpg

I feel really bad. I’m not sure how it happened. I bumped a curved glass frame that has one of our Disney pictures in it. It fell over hit the corner of the dresser and then plunged to the floor in pieces. I was standing in my barefoot. The dogs were around me. I quickly made them sit. We were stuck. They were so interested and would willing walk on broken glass. The explosion zone was huge and I did not want to walk on broken glass. Cindy was in the other room and could not hear me. My phone was on the counter about 20 feet away. I yelled at the phone, “Siri, call Cindy Henderson.” I waited, hoping that it had reached Cindy and then called out to her for help. Then I waited. I was not sure she got the message. I was not sure that the phone even called her. Amazingly, it worked. Sometimes the phone is in my hand and will not make the call, but this time it did.

Cindy came in the door and assessed the situation quickly. I needed her to get Bear, the dog most interested in the glass, and hustle him out of the room. He seemed hurt that I would not let him come over to me right through the glass. I had been studying the floor and found one safe step that I could make to get away from the mine field. I kept Shadow, the other dog, in her seated position and was able to secure her away from the glass which was between her and the door. I got on shoes and then started picking up the shards. Cindy brought the vacuum cleaner and I went over and over the carpet. I have no confidence that I got it all.

I apologized. I was sad. I thought, “I’ll buy a new frame.” I searched the internet for “curved, glass, Disney, frame.” I found some, but not the one we had. I added, “small world.” The exact frame came up. I excitedly clicked on it. It was sold. I searched and searched and could not find one. I’m still looking.

It has been a year of broken dreams with no way to get them back. Special events missed, sad events made worse due too distance. Exhaustion and misunderstanding abound. Plans that were made have been abandoned. Some are plunging right ahead with Thanksgiving plans. Others, like us, have made radical shifts to move outdoors and protect the vulnerable, while still trying to connect. There is hope around the corner, but we still have a long way to go. Last night, I saw pictures of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. It looked beleaguered, beaten and broken and apt image for 2020. This morning, I was thrilled to see that a tiny owl had been rescued from the lower branches of the tree (you must go and see his picture). It really made me smile.

It will be Thanksgiving day soon and I need to get serious about finding things for which I am thankful. It is going to take more work than usual, but I know if I can look beyond the circumstance I will see more clearly. Maybe you can help me. Just type a word, a phrase. What are you thankful for on this difficult and challenging year?