

Last week, during DNOW many of us were praying for the young people to have a fresh encounter with Jesus. All through the weekend I would see kids and pray a simple prayer, “God reveal yourself to them.” 

We were trying to find a way to make those prayers real and tangible to each person. We wrote each kids name on a ball and asked individuals to pray that simple prayer and when they did, to make a simple mark. I love this picture because it shows in such a tangible way that lots of people have gathered around these teenagers. 

I wonder how often we tell someone, “I’ll pray for you” and then we don’t. I wonder if the tangible nature of these balls connected our promise to our actions. They are like living prayer journals. I wonder how often we tell someone that we are praying for them and they wonder if we actually did  I love each of these dots because they are evidence of follow through on the prayer promise  

On Wednesday, the kids were given these markers to remind them of what we had done. Now maybe we need reminders to keep it up. Why not take this picture and put it in the fridge, or your mirror and everyone you see it pray that simple prayer, “God reveal yourself to these youth (and to me).” 

Why not create your own version and give someone the encouragement of your prayers and the tangible sign of your action.