Get to know you through the text

  1. If you were to describe yourself as a boat what would you say?

    • Sailboat - I move easily with circumstances

    • Tugboat - I tend to make things happen

    • Fishing Boat - I like having a defined purpose

    • Cruise ship - I love the party

    • Other ship?

  2. If you could pick one Jesus conversation that you could have been in the background to ov

erhear, which one would you pick and why?

  1. What is the most fun you ever had serving Jesus?

  2. Besides Covid, when is a time you were overwhelmed?

  3. Favorite mountain moment?

  4. What is your most memorable wind story?

  5. Have you ever “lost” something only later to find it in an obvious spot?

  6. Have you ever stood in a crowd to get a glimpse of someone? Who? When? Why?

  7. When is a time you have been very uncertain what to do next?

  8. What scripture do you turn to when you are going through something difficult? Unpack that for us.

Dig Into the Text

  1. Describe what the disciples were feeling in the boat.

  2. Why were they frustrated with Jesus?

  3. What happened to the disciples when Jesus is out of sight?

  4. What did Jesus intend to do? According to Mark 6:48? Compare that to Exodus 33:18-23. 

  5. What amazed the disciple the most: That Jesus knew where they were, that Jesus climbed into the boat, that Jesus calmed the storm?

Apply the Text

  1. How do you have faith when Jesus is out of sight?

  2. Why do we tend to overlook God’s abiding presence in our lives and in the world?

  3. How are you like the disciples in the boat?

  4. Where is Jesus?