How often do you look at the moon?
Why do you think the Jews use the lunar calendar?
When Gene Cernan said, “We went to explore the Moon, and in fact, discovered the Earth” What do you think he meant?
What is your favorite Psalm?
What is the worst year in US history and why?
What is the most important space event you watched on TV?
What do you think about the Astronauts choice of the Genesis passage instead of the birth of Jesus passages?
According to Genesis 1:14, why did God create the sun and the moon?
Sabbath is the only Jewish event that is not connected to the moon. How would a person know when Sabbath was?
What is the core mission of all of God’s followers according to Genesis 12:3?
Why did God help Abraham understand the mission by having him look at the stars? Genesis 15:5
What is the dream community God shows us in Acts 2:17-18?
13. Why does it take us so long to accomplish the dreams of God? I.e., why is it taking us so long to see the value in all people, all nations?
14. How did Earthrise change the way we saw the earth and the way we saw each other?
15. Why does the world seem to promote selfish interests but the Jesus way, servanthood?
16. Einstein said, "It is high time that the ideal of success should be replaced by the ideal of service." Was he right?
17. Who gets the credit when you succeed?
18. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 2:2. What did it look like when you did this?
19. Where are you on the moon landing? Did we? How is believing in the moon landing like believing in the resurrection?
20. Why is the group you choose right after High School so important in determining a persons values in life?