hurt feelings or interpersonal conflicts unnecessarily often fuel church conflicts. So he warns Christians against isolating ourselves because of our grievances. Paul challenges us to focus more on Christ’s encouragement more than our complaints against each other.

It would be difficult to find a more influential passage in all of Scripture than today’s epistle reading from Philippians.

Susan Eastman

In a town where Murchisons are considered royalty. Ginger Murchison-granddaughter of Clint Sr. and owner of much of the property around the square, including First National Bank of Athens-is behind the effort to develop Athens as a year-round destination and not just during the annual Black-eyed Pea Jamboree, Uncle Fletch ’s Hamburger Cookoff or the Old Fiddlers Reunion. She has donated tens of thousands of dollars to refurbish and convert many of the buildings on the square as well as the warehouses that line Athens Alley.

“Even if the Athens people knew they were here, they wouldn’t understand the magnitude of who they are and what they might be worth.”

The pagan world looked at the early church and marveled that here was a group of people that was not organized as the world organized itself - on the basis of family or gender, class and money. The surrounding Roman culture said, "Look how they love one another!"

Back in 2005, Dr. Christian Smith and his fellow researchers with the National Study of Youth and Religion at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, interviewed more than 3000 American adolescents. They found that the faith of most adolescents in Christian denomination churches could best be described as "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism."  It is summed up with beliefs like these: God is watching over us from a distance, we should be good, and the most important thing is for me to feel good." 

Amazon Prime Video announced that Coming 2 America made several major streaming achievements on its opening weekend. It was the “#1 streamed movie of the weekend,” as well as “the #1 opening weekend of any other streaming movie in 2021 thus far,” and most impressively, the “#1 opening weekend of any streaming movie in the past 12 months,” according to third party Screen Engine/ASI’s weekly PostVODTM ranking.

The certain benefits of being with Christ. Encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness, compassion

What flows from a vital relationship with Christ. Like-minded, smae love, one sprit, purpose. 

The things which get in the way - selfish ambition, vanin conceit considering yourself better than others, self interest.

The path to greatness - adopting the attitude, the mind of Christ. 

Letting go 


Willingness to suffer