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  1. Are they like me?--Who are you “Good News” to?

  2. Are they sort of like me?-Who are you persistently loving right now?

  3. Are they really different from me?--What are you doing to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth?

  4. Do you remember blue/black—white/gold dress? Which did you see?

  5. How do you do with optical illusions?

  6. Do you agree or disagree with this quote? How does it influence conversations you are in?

    “...most people just assume everyone sees the world in the same way. Which is why it’s awkward when disagreements arise—it suggests one party either is ignorant, is malicious, has an agenda, or is crazy.” Pascal Wallisch. Slate, April 12, 2017

  7. Do you have any friends that were not raised in a Christian environment? How has that impacted your relationship with them?

  8. When was your conversion experience? How far did you have to journey?

  9. Has your personal opinion or experience ever gotten in the way with how you see something? What—How?

  10. Do you think people should have to be convicted on unanimous juries? If not, how many of the 12 should be needed to convict? Why?

11. Why did Paul have to change his method of presenting the Gospel?

12. Have you ever been on jury duty? How did that go?

13. Why is it easier to talk to someone that is like us than someone who is from a vastly different place? What is an idiom that would be hard to explain to someone from Africa?

14. Liar, Lunatic, Lord. Is there any other option?

15. Read Acts 17:16-34. How does Paul try to make contact with the people in the Areopagus?

16. Does it surprise you that the “no religion” group has grown from 6% in 1970 to 22% in 2020? Why do you think that is? What are we going to do about it?

17. Who is a person far from God that you pray for? What is their story?

18. What are ways you can bring good news to people outside of faith?

19. Why do we tend to be harsh with people outside of faith when Jesus was kind to them?

20. How is reaching an Atheist like going to the ends of the earth?

Filled. Acts 16:22-34. Discussion Guide

  1. What is filling you?

  2. What do you want to fill you?

  3. How can you be filled with joy?

  4. What is the deepest hole you have visited?

  5.  Do you know someone who has gone to prison?

  6. Have you ever visited a prison or jail?

  7. Have you read “Man’s Search for Meaning”? (According to the Library of Congress, Man's Search for Meaning belongs to a list of "the ten most influential books in the United States.").

  8. How are you doing?

  9. Have you ever been really depressed? What did you do?

  10. What “foundation” have you had shaken?

  11. Why do people try to fill the God shaped hole with things other than God?

  12. Have you ever been involved in a rescue?

  13. What of your thoughts tend to spin out of control?

  14. Have you known someone that committed suicide? What do you wish you could have convinced them of?

  15. Why do we resiste the truth that we are strongest when we are weak?

  16. Did you know that Athens was the largest pottery producer west of the Mississippi at one time?

  17. What is your favorite family heirloom?

  18. When did you get “saved”?

  19. How has it changed your life?

  20. How often do we seek to be filled by things that cannot fill us?