1. Have you listened to God’s voice in the natural world today?
What did you see that inspired you?

  2. Have you connected to God’s voice in the Bible today? 
What verse spoke to you today? -What idea do you need to hold on to today?

  3. What is in your basement that needs to be dealt with? 
God forgives, God heals through his Spirit.

  4. What was your favorite book as a child?

  5. What is your favorite book reading moment?

  6. What is the book that you have read the most?

  7. When is the first time you remember seeing beauty?

  8. When you hear your mother’s voice in your head, what do you hear?

  9. Outside of your family, who is your biggest cheerleader?

  10. Who is someone you really disappointed? What do you think they would say to you right now?

  11. What is your favorite scripture? Your favorite Psalm?

  12. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been in the natural world? Describe how it made you feel.

  13. How does getting into contact with the natural world impact your breathing, your mind?

  14. Kyle quotes from a study that says, “Engagement with natural beauty correlates higher with being grateful, satisfied with one’s life, spiritually transcendent, hopeful and less materialistic.” Has this been your experience?

  15. What is a verse from scripture that you think about alot? Why?

  16. What is a verse of scripture that confuses you? How do you deal with that?

  17. In I Corinthians 13 the bible says we see through a glass dimly, what does that mean to you? Why is it important to realize that we don’t always see the big picture?

  18. Kyle talked about the way Jewish children have been taught to love learning and taught that learning is for a lifetime (licking honey and taken to a stream). How were you taught to love learning? What could we learn from these customs?

  19. What is something that a “basement person” once said to you that you have to fight against?

  20. Psalm 19 ends - “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight.” What is easier for you, controlling your mouth or controlling your thoughts?