1. What “team gear” do you have?

  2. What is the biggest team you are part of?

  3. What special interest do you have that almost no one knows about or shares?

  4. Pastor Kyle quotes a study - what do you think about studies? Do you generally trust them?

  5. Have you been to Fort Parker? Any Fort reconstructions?

  6. What is your favorite Western?

  7. Do you know the Cyntia Ann Parker story?

  8. Why after 25 years does Cythina Ann not want to come back to “civilization?”

  9. How often do you wash your hands on an average day? What day have you washed your hands the most?

  10. Describe hand washing in your family of origin.

  11. Why did hand washing turn into such an important identifying mark for the Jews at the time of Jesus?

  12. Have you ever seen someone who needs to wash their hands, but did not?

  13. Why is handwashing seem less political than masks?

  14. Why does legalism not work as a way to get to be with God?

  15. Why does legalism seem so appealing?

  16. How did the Rabbis think they were helping the people by creating more rules to follow?

  17. Do you think people have freedom or is everything predetermined?

  18. Can people choose to follow Jesus? Does their choice matter?

  19. The oldest prtestatnt church in Texas is 48 miles from Athens. It is one room. How did their theology influence the growth or lack of growth in their church?

  20. How does believing that other people are “bad-seed” influence the way we treat them?

  21. In 1940 Athens motto was, “Noted for Peaches, Pears, Potatoes, Peanuts, Pigs, Pottery and Poultry.” Which of those surprise you?

  22. What does the Cythia Ann Parker story tell us about the value of family and love over civilization and comfort?

  23. Do you know anyone who died from a broken heart?

John 1:12 says, Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God. Why does Jesus pick belief as the key to belonging to God?