Read mark 2:1-12

Meet Each other in the Text

  1. What town have you lived in the longest?

  2. Who is the most famous person from your hometown?

  3. Have you ever known anyone who had a major physical handicap? What did you learn from them?

  4. What is the strangest way you have ever gotten in somewhere that was hard to get in?

  5. Have you ever said out loud something you were thinking, but did not intend to say out loud?

Dig in the Text

  1. Look at Mark 1. What are the three miracles that come before this miracle?

  2. What is the significance of Mark 1:35-39? How does “getting away” feature into Jesus’ plan?

  3. What do you think: Would people rather have their sins forgiven or their physical bodies healed? What does that tell us?

  4. According to the text was anyone disappointed when Jesus forgave the man? What were they troubled about?

  5. Why do you think God does not “miraculously heal” more people today?

  6. How do people respond today to seeing someone healed at a church service?

  7. What did pastor Kyle say was unique about the word for forgiveness in 2:9? How is it related to the man walking away with his mat?

Apply the Text

  1. Is it harder or easier to be a strong follower of Christ in your hometown? In a strange place?

  2. Who is someone you are carrying right now? If not now, who have you carried in the past?

  3. What barriers tend to keep us from getting people to Jesus?

  4. If forgiveness is the most important issue to Jesus, what does that tell us about our priorities?