Twenty Questions: A discussion guide for Kyle’s sermon, Comfort. March 5, 2020.

“There are, Two nations in England “between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the same laws: the rich and the poor.”Disraeli, Sybli, 149.

1.    If you were to say who was rich and who was poor in the story of the three bears, how would you identify the characters? 

2.    How does Disraeli’s quote reflect the world of the three bears? 

3.    Why do we tend to rewrite these stories to make them more palatable?

4.    What do you think the real ending would be?

5.    How exhausted are people in our culture right now?

6.    In what way are you fearful now and in need of God’s comfort?

7.    What is a group that you thought about joining, but you never did. Why?

8.    What is something you wished you would have done, but did not have the nerve to do it?

9.    Have you ever been frightened by something in nature?

10.  What do you do when you are scared to calm yourself down?

11.  Brene Brown says, “You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, You cannot choose both.” Agree or disagree? Why?

12.  What is your favorite comfort food?

13.  Why were the religious leaders of Jesus day so afraid?

14.  What thing do you think this virus is revealing that needs to change in our culture?

15.  What is one good change you are seeing that you want to preserve when this crisis is over?

16.  In what way are you satisfied and in need of God’s discomfort?

17.  How does being ready for death free the disciples? 

18.  How does it take the power away from the religious leaders?

19.  What does it take for someone to be ready to die? Are you?

20.  Are you fearless and free?