1. Describe a moment you felt strong.

  2. Describe a moment you felt weak.

  3. What kind of masks do you wear?

  4. Eisenhower said “It is up to the Commander to conceal his [weakness]: above all to conceal doubt, fear and distrust.” In what ways was he right? In what ways was he wrong?

  5. Eisenhower famously had a mistress while he commanded the invasion of Europe. How does denying a person’s own weakness help lead to living a duplicitous life?

  6. What does a person lose by wearing a mask and by not wearing a mask?

  7. The shame researcher Brene Brown says “We ask them to be vulnerable, we beg them to let us in . . . but the truth is that most women can’t stomach it. Why do you agree or disagree?

  8. How would you define conceited? Why is it a real danger to Paul?

  9. What is the most weight you have ever lifted?

  10. Would you take a big risk and share the thorn in your life? The thing that embarasses you, that you struggle with.

  11. Were you ever called a name that still lingers with you?

  12. How is being noticeable flawed a test of the character of others? What do “beautiful people” fear due to their beauty?

  13. What does Satan write on your message board to discourage you?

  14. Kyle’s mentor Henri Nouwen, said, “What is most personal, is most universal.” In what ways do you think that is true?

  15. Do you ever think you get over the need for grace to get through your days?

  16. Has God ever given you a ‘No’ answer to one of your prayers that you eventually agreed with? 

  17. What songs do you listen to to work out? To clean the house? To go to sleep? To drive in the car?

  18. What is the song that you have listened to the most in the last year? How does listening to a repeated message help?

  19. How would claiming, “My grace is sufficient for you,” contribute to you being more at peace?

  20. What is a moment you got encouraged and it really helped?

  21. Did you ever get the Presidential Physical Fitness Award? Any award like it? What did it mean to you? Did you ever want one and fail to get it? Why does failure sometimes lead the motivation to work harder and sometimes to discouragement?

  22. Why is recognizing our weakness the open door for Christ’s power in our lives?

  23. Read James 1:27. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Why is caring for the weak such an important concept?

  24. Read Hebrews 10:24-25. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.Using 100% as the total. Use 2 categories. ____ I gather others for what I will get out of the encounter. ____ I gather with others to encourage them.

  25. How does having an awareness of your weakness help you care better for others?

  26. Why is depending on self, on your body, on your looks, on your intellect a dangerous way to build your life?