Discussion guide for May 31, Stones Sermon

  1. Have you ever been to the Killough Monument?

  2. Pastor Kyle said, “The powerful get to tell the story.” How often do we spin stories to our benefit?

  3. Respond to the cycle: Crisis-Growing Faith-Miracle-fading Memory-Crisis. Has this been your experience?

  4. The Hebrews were facing three big obstacles: What were they? 

  5. Which one was the most difficult to overcome?

  6. How is the Jordan River a symbolic boundary?

  7. Would you have walked into the raging river?

  8. How would it have felt to walk through the river with the water gone?

  9. What was more difficult stepping out of the wilderness or stepping into the water?

  10. How would you define miracle?

  11. How does seeing God do a work in your life give you power during a new crisis?

  12. What are the 2 or 3 most important places where God has worked in your life?

  13. What is the difference between a natural occurrence (landslide) and a miracle?

  14. Where did your faith grow the most? Why?

  15. Did you ever color out of the lines as a child? When, where, why?

  16. When is the last time you told your spiritual autobiography? Why not tell it again now?

  17. Why do you think Gilgal is lost to history but Stonehenge is not?

  18. What are 2 or 3 events we should remember as a church?

  19. Have you written down your spiritual story? Have you shared it with your family, your children? What is your favorite scripture? Take a piece of paper and write down a few notes. Share it with your group and then slip it into your bible. Keep adding to it over time. Write Gilgal on the top and make it a treasured possession to share with your family.

  20. If you were going to go somewhere and add it to our church pile of rocks, where would you go and why?