Submit sermon Discussion questions

Meet Each Other in the Text

  1. If you were to describe your garage would it be: 

    1. Scandanavian - empty, white walls, nothing stored in it, minimalist.

    2. Feng Shui - some things, but very orderly

    3. Tornadic - full of chaos

  2. If you were to describe your car gas tank:

    1. It rarely goes below half full

    2. It rarely goes below ¼ full

    3. It rarely gets gas until the gas light is on

    4. It has been run dry several times

  3. What is the worst flooding you have ever been in? Describe the drying out process.

  4. Describe arguing in your home of origin - loud? frequent? recreational? Rare?

  5. What drawer needs to be emptied out in your life?

  6. What is the most interesting wedding you have ever attended? Describe.

  7. Who do you know that was married the longest? The shortest?

  8. Describe the favorite outfit you ever wore to any wedding. Your least favorite. What does it mean to look our best?

  9. What is your favorite car/truck from your childhood? Would you want to drive it now?

Digging into the Text

  1. How are the way we treat a spouse and the way we treat a friend the same? Different?

  2. How would you define mutual submission?

  3. How do you think Roman marriage impacts what Paul is saying? How do we derive a guiding principle from the Bible when the context is so different from when it was spoken?

  4. Is submission more about power or more about love to you?

  5. Does submission mean that a person should endure abuse?

  6. If the command to “submit to one another” is the same for husbands and wives, then why does Paul give such different instructions to the husbands and the wives?

  7. Why do we tend to concentrate on the other person’s list and not our own?

Applying the Text

  1. Why is it so hard for us to stand up and be different from the culture?

  2. Pastor Kyle referred to this data -“the more racist attitudes a person holds, the more likely he or she is to identify as a white Christian.” (Robert Jones, White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity) Why do you think this true?

  3. If we were to look more like Jesus in our relationships, what should we change first?

  4. What is the most difficult struggle you have in submitting to another person?

  5. Pastor Kyle says we are invited back to the garden. Describe Adam and Eve’s relationship in the garden. What would it take for us to have relationships more like that right now?

  6. Why is nostalgia a dangerous model for relationships?

  7. Is the Ephesians 5 marriage a practical model for today? Would it produce better marriages?