1.  Who are your lifelong friends?

  2. What is a family “code word” or internal secret that you have to explain to outsiders?

  3. How many knots can you tie?

  4. Do you think tying a noose and leaveing it for someone to find is sending a message?

  5. If you knew that flying a confederate flag would hurt someone deeply would you still fly it? What responsibility do we have for other people’s feelings?

  6. Read Romans 15:1-3. What do you think Paul/Jesus would say is the balance between my freedom and caring for others?

  7. Have you ever been to a NASCAR event? What was it like?

  8. Sam Houston was the governor of Texas and voted against succession. How do you think you would have voted? How do you feel about that?

  9. What had gone wrong in the vineyard before Jesus got there?

  10. What is the religious industrial complex and how did it hurt the poor?

  11. The religious officials said a person marrying a person who was “a person of the land” - who could not meet all the ceremonial law was “detestable, their wives vermin and marrying their daughters is like sleeping with an animal.” Why do the people in charge and in power always try to make other people into something less than human?

  12. How does Jesus phrase, “you are already clean” a key announcement of grace and the ultimate prequel to the destruction of the temple. 

  13. What is the difference between “remaining” in Jesus and making yourself clean.

  14. When a branch does not produce fruit, what does the gardener do? Is that a good or a bad thing?

  15. Israel produced bad fruit. What was it?

  16. How do you think God would define justice?

  17. What needs to be pruned from you life to make room for justice?

  18. What is God’s tool for pruning your life?

  19. What is “prayerless striving?” 

  20. In Deut 16:1-20. God outlines the fest of the grape harvest and then immediately describes the need for justice. Why are those two thing connected?

  21. Jesus says there are four benefits f remaining in the vine. Answered Prayer, A Changed Life, Being Unconditionally Loved, Complete Joy. Which do you want more of?

  22. The last line of the Battle Hymn of the republic has been changed from “He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free” to “He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free.” Why do you think that happened?

  23. If God is going to “cut-off” anything that does not produce the fruit of justice, then what do you think he wants to trim from our society?