1.  Do you remember a time without air-conditioning or a time when you really wanted air-conditioning? 

  2. What has been the most exciting times you have followed Jesus?

  3. What is the coldest you have ever been?

  4. Did you ever want to be a fireman? What did you want to be when you grew up?

  5. What do you think about Herostratus—he wanted to be famous for doing something bad—why would someone do that?

  6. How cold does it have to be for you to want to sit around a fire?

  7. If memory is the fuel of our spiritual fire, what are the strongest memories you have of God working in your life?

  8. What is the most challenging thing you have face? How did your faith help you?

  9. Pastor Kyle said, “We are too eager for a trouble free world, when instead what we need is a powerful and strong internal structure that can thrive in our troubled world.” In what ways do you agree and disagree with that statement. 

  10. Pastor Kyle said, Nothing else contributes as significantly to Christians falling into a lackadaisical cool Christianity than sinking into the relationships with people who are cool to Christ.   Have you found this true? Why does it seem to be true?

  11. Why are Christians ashamed of “the testimony about our Lord” (7)?

  12. How do we balance the need to be with people that help us stay close to Christ and the need to reach out to a lost world?

  13. How strong does a person have to be as a Christian, to stand up under the pressure of differing beliefs?

  14. What are the words that encourage you the most?

  15. If you were Arat, the little boy in the video, would you have given up?

  16. If you were the Dad, what would you have said to him to get him to keep trying?

  17. What would it take for you to rebuild a raging hot fire for Jesus?

  18. Who do you need to reach out to and give them words of encouragement?

  19. What is a scritpture that you say over and over to yourself? How does it help you?

  20. “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” (7) Which of the tree do you need to work on?