Staff Picks July 5, 2020
We Asked Our Staff To Curate A Set Of Songs That We Could Listen To This Week.
Pastor Kyle recommends. Here is a setting of Psalm 143 (the text of the sermon). Shane and Shane are a popular group in the Metroplex. It is a good version to help you meditate on the text this week.
Cindy Henderson recommends:
“I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”
Sheri Basore recommends:
I have hope because of Christ. He is my anchor of hope.
Gwen Richarson recommends:
Our Lord is truly our shield and protector!
Juan Moreno recommends:
En Ti siempre puedo confiar. I can always trust in you.
Follow this weekly Spotify playlist for more music recommendations from our Worship Pastor, Wade.