
Read Mark 11:1-11

Meet Each Other in the Text

  1. Describe an animal riding experience you have had.

  2. Have you ever been the first to do something?

  3. Have you ever loaned something to a stranger?

  4. Have you ever seen someone steal something? Describe their behavior.

  5. Who is the boldest thief you can think of?

  6. What is the biggest parade you have ever been a part of?

  7. How many minutes before the closing of a restaurant will you go in and order food?

Dig in the Text

  1. Look up Bethphage. What does the word mean? How does it compare to 11:12-14?

  2. Read Zechariah 9:9. Do you think Jesus chose this place and this mode of transportation due to this scripture? Why or why not?

  3. Do you think a)Jesus arranged for there to be a donkey b)Jesus usually saw a donkey in the area c)Jesus had divined sight and knew there would be a donkey

  4. Do you think the disciples were frightened, excited or bored as they untied the colt? Were they hoping to get away before anyone noticed or were they looking forward to trying Jesus' words?

  5. Read Psalm 118:25-26. Why did the people choose these exact words?

Apply the Text

  1. Where is a place that you think God sent you?

  2. What are some words that you have said that God told you to tell a person?

  3. How does the way Jesus comes into Jerusalem influence what you think his mission was?

  4. Why did Jesus wait until the next day to do anything at the temple? When is a time that you had to wait on God’s time?