Read Mark 9:14-29

Meet Each Other in the Text

  1. Have you ever walked into someone else's argument?

  2. Have you ever been doing something and a person showed up and everything stopped?

  3. When are you most at a loss for words?

  4. Have you ever seen a person have a seizure?

  5. Have you ever met someone you think was possessed by an evil spirit?

  6. Have you ever been in a crowd where things got out of hand?

Dig in the Text 

  1. Make a list of all the things the evil spirit has done to the boy. What conclusions can you draw from this?

  2. What do evil spirits want to do to us?

  3. Why did the disciples fail to drive out the evil spirit? (18-19).

  4. Why did Jesus confront the evil spirit before the crowd arrived? (25).

  5. How does having a conversation with God undermine the evil spirit? (29)

Apply the Text

  1. How often are we involved in a controversy (arguing in the crowd - 14) that we miss Jesus when he shows up?

  2. Do you wish Jesus to show up? What if Jeus told you you were wrong?

  3. The evil spirit seeks to destroy us. Which of these has happened to you:

    1. Argue - Discussion and disagreement that turns hurtful and toxic.

    2. Mute - Fear and relational pain that has caused you to be quiet when you know that you should speak.

    3. On the Ground - Been so consumed with myself that I have not seen the needs of others.

    4. Harm - I have harmed myself through bad habits, bad choices.

    5. Deaf - I have decided not to listen, instead I’ve doubled down on my own opinions. 

  4. Why is prayer the only answer?