Read Mark 1:14-20

Find Each Other in the Text

  1. Have you ever visited someone in prison?

  2. What is the first sermon you can remember?

  3. Have you ever caught fish with a fishing net?

  4. Who is the person you think of when you think of a fisherman?

  5. What would it take for then to leave a good fishing spot?

  6. What is a time that you changed directions overnight?

  7. What was your family business? Did you ever think you would do the same job as your parents?

Dig into the Text

  1. Why do you think that Mark connects the imprisonment of John and the beginning of Jesus preaching?

  2. Name some times that “timing is everything” applies to the scripture.

  3. Why is repentance so often the beginning of spiritual growth?

  4. Why do you think the fisherman left their nets immediately?

Apply to Life

  1. Do you think many people would be willing to go to jail for the truth? Do you think you would?

  2. If it is urgent that we follow Jesus right now, then describe where you are:

    1. Still at home. I'm so busy that I am not really thinking much about the race.

    2. In the dressing room. I have not yet gotten on to the race track.

    3. Doing a warm up lap. I’m in the area and going through the motions, just not at full energy

    4. In the starting blocks. My spiritual muscles are tight and I’m ready as soon as I hear the bang.

  3. What do you need to leave behind to follow Jesus?