1. What is your favorite picture?

  2. Is a picture worth a 1000 words? In what ways is this true or false?

  3. What is your favorite playwright?

  4. What are 3 things associated with Norway in your mind? Do you associate any of them with Brownsboro?

  5. How do you think the history of the US and Texas would have been different if Texas had negotiated a treaty with Mexico and freed our slaves before becoming a state?

  6. Read. “Those who have will be given more; as for those who do not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” Mark 4:25. How is influence achieved? How is it lost?

  7. Do you think Christianity is rising in influence or falling? Why is this change happening? What can we do about it?

  8. The Norwegians in Brownsboro did not listen and it destroyed their colony. Why do we not listen to the truth?

  9. Why do people hide the full light of the Gospel?

  10. How can you interpret the phrase, “What’s for dinner?” as a criticism? How can it be the opposite? Why do we get into a doom loop and begin to see other people through a critical lens?

  11. Why did the religious leaders look down on Jesus? How did their preconceived ideas get in the way of them ‘seeing’ Jesus?

  12. Who does hateful Christianity most appeal to?  

  13. Read Romans 2:4.  ‘Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?” React to God’s strategy.

  14. Compare these two quotes. Are they saying the same thing? How do they compare to James 3? “Nature has given us one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus. "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." Stephen Covey

  15.  If Jesus knew everything. If Jesus knew what was in our hearts. Why did he ask questions?

  16. Did you come from an arguing family? What did you argue about? Do you remember the first time you won an argument?

  17. What is your favorite music? What is your least favorite? How much time have you spent listening to music you do not like? Learning about it? How could it help you if you did?

  18. What is your favorite style of painting? Least favorite? How much time have you spent studying art you do not like? Learning about it? How could it help you if you did?

  19. Have you ever asked someone, “Could you tell me more?” instead of responding? How did that go?

  20. What are sins that Christians don't seem too upset with? Why do we pick some sins as OK and some that are not? How does that impact our influence?

  21. Why is it important for us to have a consistent set of measures that we judge ourselves and others by the same standards?

  22. Do you use imperial (did you know that is what our system is called?) or metric measures? Why?

  23. Did you watch the Holy Post video? How is unfairness baked into our system?

  24. Have you ever passed along an untrue ‘fact?’

  25. Have you ever fact checked something that you were about to pass along and found out it was not true?