Hope is your Superpower

Meet Each Other in the Text

1.      If you could have one superpower which would you choose? Speed, strength, vision?

2.     What do like to cook on: electric, gas, charcoal?

3.     Have you ever open a package and everything came pouring out?

4.     If you could buy any brand of gas what would you buy and why?

5.     What would you like to be doing in ten years?

6.     Have you ever tried something and it went dangerously bad? Were you in a test bunker?

7.     Have you ever had something that should have lasted, that failed quickly?

8.      What happens to empty boxes around your house?

9.     How did East Texas oil win WW2?

10.  Have you ever acted on a sure deal?

11.  Have you ever invited something? Though about getting a patent? 

Dig into the text

1.     Without using the word hope, can you define hope?

2.     How is hope related to the future of God?

3.     Why is emptiness a dangerous spiritual condition?

4.     How does the fruit of the Sprit give you power to resist evil?

5.     If you could only pick joy or peace, which would you pick and why?

6.     How does trust grow spiritual strength. 

Apply the Text

1.     Why is hope essential to our mental and physical health?

2.     What is something you used to do in your spiritual life that you should probably do again?

3.     Who is the steadiest consistent Christian you know?

4.     What does the abundant life look like to you?

5.     What do you wished overflowed out of your life?