May 3 Sermon. Finish. Acts 20. Paul talks to Ephesian Elders
Are you a servant to others?
Are you trying to serve all people?
What does the finish line look like to you?
What was your best teacher in elementary school?
What is your greatest athletic achievement?
What is the longest you have ever walked?
Why did Paul decide he needed to stop and talk to his Ephesian friends?
Who is the most famous person from your hometown?
What do you want to be your last words?
Can you give an example of time attitude mattered most?
Why was being a servant considered a lowly thing?
What is your definition of humility?
How does the death of Jesus help teach the equality of all people?
Why do many people think there are multiple ways to God?
Describe unconditional love. Why is it so important?
Before you turned 21 what is the longest you were ever separated from your family or origin?
In what ways could Paul have been guilty of peoples blood?
Why do people hesitate in telling others about Jesus?
What would it look like to finish well in faith?
What do you want written on your tombstone?