Read Proverbs 1:1-7

Meet Each Other in the Text

  1. Do you have any sayings hanging in your house?

  2. Did someone in your family have a piece of wisdom they regularly shared?

  3. Who was your favorite teacher in school?

  4. Outside of your family, who is the adult that helped give you guidance when you were young?

  5. What is your favorite riddle?

  6. What phobias do you have?

Dig in the text

  1. How is wisdom different from instruction? (2-3)

  2. What is the difference between right-just-fair?(3) Which is harder to accomplish or understand?

  3. What is the stance of the person with wisdom toward the person they are trying to impart wisdom? Does their attitude matter?

  4. What is the necessary attitude of a person wishing to gain wisdom? (5)

  5. Why is fear the beginning of knowledge?

Applying the Text

  1. What is the lesson that was hardest for you to learn in life?

  2. What do you wish you would have done sooner?

  3. When have you been a fool?(7)