Read Romans 1:18-32

Meet Each Other in the Text

  1. What is the worst thing you have actually witnessed someone do? 18

  2. What is something that you have a hard time understand that other people seemed to know how to do easily (ie. program the clock on a VCR)? 19

  3. What is the most beautiful place in the natural world you have ever visited? Share a picture in your group. 20a

  4. What is an excuse you have used in the last week? 20b

  5. Have you ever exchanged a gift? 25

Dig in the text.

  1. Is the world getting better or worse? 18

  2. What is the plain knowledge of God? How much are all people going to be held accountable for?

  3. Describe the pathway that leads to God “giving people over to shameful lusts”

  4. Why do you think God “gives people over”?

  5. Put this list (alphabetized) in priority order - From the very worst to the most tolerable. At least put them in 3 piles. Worst - Uncertain - Not too bad.

Arrogant, Boastful, Deceit, Depravity, Disobey parents, Envy, Evil, Faithless, God Hating, Gossip, Greed, Heartless, Insolent, Inventing evil, Malice, Murder, Ruthless, Senseless, Slander, Strife, Wickedness

Applying the Text

  1. How much of what you know you should be doing to follow God are you doing? Explain. (18-20).
    10% 25% 50% 75% 90%

  2. “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools” 22. Make a list of things that people used to think were wrong or impossible. Why are we so convinced? Why are we so often wrong?

  3. Why do people tend to worship the creating thing instead of the creator? Give examples of that reality.

  4. If all sin is the same to God, why do we tend to pick some sins as worse than others? (29-31).

  5. What is the difference between doing something and approving of something? (32). How are they the same? Different?