1. Who is the oldest person you have ever known?

  2. What was one of their perspectives that you found interesting?

  3. Rob Citino, Senior Historian at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans says,  I think they were fighting for the promise of America rather than the reality of America.”  Respond to Citino. Agree or disagree? Why?

  4. Have you ever met someone who has had a bunch of bad things that have happened to them? Were they bitter or happy? Why do some people turn out like Mr. Brooks and some people grow bitter?

  5. Was your family ever financially strapped? How did your family respond?

  6. Where is Shechem for America? Where is the most important place that defines America? Why do you think that?

  7. How do you think Joseph felt when his brothers catptued him, potted to kill him and the sold him into slavery? How did that impact their relationships over time?

  8. What are the 2 or 3 lowest points in American history? How have they impacted us today?

  9. Pastor Kyle said, “History clings to us like a sticky residue that cannot be washed off in water.” In what way?

  10. How does the loss of choice impact people for generations?

  11. Did you ever drive a VW? When? Where? Describe it.

  12. Why is it hard for us to get over racism?

  13. Why is ignoring the past dangerous to us?

  14. Have you ever found out something about a person’s past, an organization’s past that has changed the way you feel about the person or organization.

  15. Have you ever seen an amazing example of forgiveness?  When? Describe it.

  16. What are the old gods your family hung on to? (What bad ideas still hang around in your family of origin)?

  17. How do you feel about the “fear of God?” Should we fear God? Is that just an old idea?

  18. How do you see being a servant to God? In what way is it optional to be a servant?

  19. How does our American sense of individual freedom interfere with Joshua’s plea that we become slaves to God?

  20. Why is it so hard to stand up all alone? Joshua says, “As for me and my house.” What are faith commitments that your family has made that are non-negotiable?

  21. It says in “Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Deut 16:20. How is justice connected to the great society that God wants to create?