Staff Picks April 12, 2020

We asked our staff to curate a set of songs that we could listen to this week.

Wade Huggins recommends:

A beautiful rendition of this classic hymn was just what my soul this Easter week. Such a different week in the light of everything going on. A reminder to turn our eyes to the Savior. Look full in his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

Sheri Basore recommends:

This song makes me feel happy, hopeful and joyful. I want to be ready for joy and recognize it around me in every day moments.


Kyle Henderson recommends:

There are 2 videos here, because the first is a much better quality of the song, but the second lets you see John Prine. I love this song and it feels like Easter to me because Easter is all about the possibility and reality of forgiveness. There is a line in it, “sometimes my old heart is like a washing machine it bounces around till my soul comes clean” I’m praying that all people can find the forgiveness of sin and real freedom. Also I’m sad because John Prine died this week of Covid-19. “Widely cited as one of the most influential songwriters of his generation,” (see his wiki article)


Connie Thornton recommends:


Cindy Henderson recommends:

This is the second song our Wednesday Night Kids were learning to lead in worship. Hosanna!

Gwen Richardson recommends:

The hymns during Easter give me hope and encouragement.

Jorge Rivera recommends:

God already knows our struggle! In the midst of this pandemic we are reminded that God is near us even when we feel fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Thankfully we have a loving God who knows us. Hears us and cares for us! He already knows! Trust in his ability to comfort us in this time.

Erin Quattlebaum recommends:

How amazing is it that my God, who is greater than anything we can imagine, sent His Son to DIE to wash my sins clean??

Jim Palmer recommends:

This is an old (1977) but timeless song of Keith Green, Easter Song. ¨He´s Risen, Hallelujah¨.

Follow this weekly Spotify playlist for more music recommendations from our Worship Pastor, Wade.